Elon Musk’s pro-Trump America PAC has spent $144 million and over 40% went to firms tied to PAC co-manager Phil Cox

In July I had reported on America PAC and detailed its initial donors – which at that time did not yet include Musk – and provided background on their two primary contractors In Field Strategies and Raconteur Media.

Shortly afterwards the New York Times reported that Musk’s America PAC was being led by two former aides for Ron DeSantis – Generra Peck and Phil Cox. The Wall Street Journal reported on America PAC’s work to win 800,000 votes for Trump and several new vendors they were paying that are tied directly to Phil Cox.

A new analysis of Federal Elections Committee (FEC) filings reveals that America PAC has spent over $144 million and more than 40% has been paid to firms co-founded and co-managed by Phil Cox, who also manages America PAC with Generra Peck.

Elon Musk has funded $118.5 million for America PAC through mid-October

Elon Musk launched his pro-Trump America PAC earlier this year and based on FEC filings through October 15th, America PAC received $140 million and of that $118.5 million was from Elon Musk.

Interestingly, Betsy DeVos, Trump’s former Secretary of Education and the sister of Blackwater founder Erik Prince, donated $250,000 and with six other members of the DeVos family provided $2 million to Musk’s PAC.

America PAC Funders
As of Oct 15, 2024
Elon Musk$118,550,000
James Liautaud
Kenneth Howery
Joe Craft
Lonsdale Enterprises Inc.
Antonio Gracias
Douglas Leone
Nelson Peltz
Shaun Maguire
John Hering
Troy Link
Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss
WCM Investments LLC
Watershed Capital LLC
Suzanne DeVos
Betsy DeVos
Daniel DeVos
Doug DeVos
Maria DeVos
Pam DeVos
Richard DeVos
Michael Thompson$400,000
Daniel Berdakin$100,000

Musk’s America PAC has spent $144 million

A review of FEC filings shows that America PAC has made payments of $144,439,860 to 49 payees through October 25, 2024. Note that there is a gap between the PAC receipts of $140 million and payments of $144 million because the reporting cycle for payments is updated more frequently than the receipts.

The $144 million of payments is from two separate categories tracked by the FEC:

  • $135,933,164 is independent expenditures, which are payments to influence a federal election and identify a candidate that is supported or opposed.
  • $8,506,695 is disbursements, which do not identify a candidate and are for more general expenses.

Further below near the end of this story is a chart listing all of the payees and the amounts of expenditures and disbursements.

88% of America PAC expenditures were to support Trump or oppose Harris or Biden

Of the almost $136 million in expenditures that were earmarked for specific candidates, almost $120 million or 88% was spent to support Donald Trump or to oppose Kamala Harris or Joseph Biden.

The remaining $16 million, or 12% of expenditures, was spent on other candidates and elections – a still significant amount that shows Musk’s PAC getting involved in a much wider arena than just the U.S. presidential election.

Phil Cox, who co-manages America PAC, leads firms that received $61.7 million or over 40% of all payments

America PAC is led by two former aides for Ron DeSantis – Generra Peck and Phil Cox.

A 2022 Campaigns and Elections story described how long-time GOP consultant Phil Cox created an umbrella group – GP3 Partners – that had joined together ten Republican public affairs, polling, mail and campaign consulting firms.

The GP3 Partners website lists the following partners: 50 State, 76 Group, Ascent Media, Blitz Canvassing, Bullpen Strategy Group, FLS Connect, GuidePost Strategies, IMGE, Public Opinion Strategies, Red Maverick Media and Strategic Partners in Media.

Another firm called Push Digital LLC is not listed on the site, however, the Wall Street Journal reported that it is also part of GP3.

Below are firms that are part of GP3 co-founded by Phil Cox and P2 Pathway Public Affairs, which was co-founded by Generra Peck and Phil Cox. As of mid-October these firms have been paid almost $62 million by America PAC.

Phil Cox Related FirmsAmerica PAC Payment
IMGE LLC$9,343,644.53
PUSH DIGITAL LLC$4,734,722.68

In 2022 Elon Musk provided $50 million of Funding to a Stephen Miller-linked nonprofit with the help of Generra Peck and Phil Cox

In a separate, but related story, the Wall Street Journal recently revealed that in 2022 ahead of the midterm elections Elon Musk gave $50 million to a nonprofit called Citizens for Sanity that is closely tied to Stephen Miller.

I reported on tax filings that showed Citizens for Sanity spent over $90 million on media contractors, and raised the question of whether some of Musk’s funding to the nonprofit was spent on advertising on X.com.

The money Musk funded to Stephen Miller’s nonprofit in 2022 was funneled through another nonprofit called Building America’s Future which is linked to Generra Peck and Phil Cox, who now run America PAC. Musk has entrusted Peck and Cox to manage PAC activity and significant PAC and nonprofit donations that support Trump and his associates.

Firms linked to America PAC’s former Treasurer Chris Gober earned over $4 million

Chris Gober was the Treasurer of America PAC until October 22, 2024 and runs The Gober Group PLLC and Rightside Compliance.

While reviewing the FEC filings I was curious about one PAC payee called M&B Analytics LLC which had been paid over $3.7 million but could not find a website for this company.

I researched the address and found MBA Data, LLC incorporated in Texas in 2019 and active until February 2024. MBA Data was previously named M&B Analytics and lists agent Chris Gober.

FEC filings show that the three firms linked to Chris Gober were paid over $4 million.

Chris Gober Related FirmAmerica PAC payment amount
M&B ANALYTICS LLC$3,707,252.00

Elon Musk’s America PAC was warned by the DOJ that the $1 million sweepstakes may violate federal law

Last week CNN reported that the Justice Department warned Elon Musk’s America PAC that his daily $1 million sweepstakes to register voters in swing states may violate federal law. Despite the warning, Musk has continued his daily sweepstakes.

I noticed that America PAC had just made a filing to change their treasurer from Chris Gober to Chris Young. While the timing is interesting, there is nothing indicating that the DOJ news and change in treasurer are related.

The New York Times recently reported that Chris Young – a former senior political official at pharmaceutical industry trade association PhRMA and 2016 RNC national field director – would be Musk’s eyes and ears at America PAC.

A detailed listing of the 49 payees funded by Elon Musk’s America PAC

Below are 49 payees funded by America PAC and a description of the primary purpose of their service.

  • The independent expenditures were calculated based on filings in the 24- and 48- hour reports.
  • The disbursements were based on the raw filings.
  • The data was analyzed through October 25, 2024.


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